Monday, February 14, 2011

"Photo-Booth Kiss"

I was actually quite impressed with myself and having to work with the original photo. It was a tiny photo-booth picture, flat lighting, and the contrast was out of control. So I quite the time getting the forms to turn properly and look correct. It was a challenge and I learned a lot, I'm glad my friend asked me to draw it for them.

Drippy Rub-Out

My second trial run at rub-out, I like it so much! Rub-out is helping a lot with my value jumps, and letting me compare the colors of the model and environment for the value that they actually are.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Mildy Vague"

Introducing my first rub-out! Wow what a completely different experience then I thought. It's definately something I will work on more often because it helps with my values and to paint loosely. I had to choose my battles, there was no way to get detailed this way, (which I'm looking for). To show accuracy in limited stokes is a mark of talent that I'm looking to learn.

"Inspiration in an opponents loss"

What better inspiration then the loss of an opponent. :) No but really it happened to be a slow week at work and the sports section had some good color photos to work with. When I photographed these in the garage though the lighting must've been really cold, there's so much more blue in these than I expected.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Movie Star"

I really don't like having to paint from photo but sometimes it's my only option. So I try to find some that are designed well with a good light source, which is a lot harder than I thought it'd be. Sometimes google has TOO much info, that it can be difficult to find what you're looking for. I was happy with this one though because I got too use my palette knife with the earings!


Oh the patience of my wife, I needed a model for a face study so I set up a single light structure and had her sit and watch a show. I've been trying to paint or draw something everyday so sometimes I need to have her help. I really liked the light direction on the face and the palette knife work in her hair, but the neck needs a bit more color.

"Christmas Time"

This was the last model session in figure drawing for the semester, sad. :( But then starts another in one month! The model said my painting study reminded here of christmas time because of the red nose and rosey cheeks. I wanted to just focus on the face and head structure for the session being we only have about 1 hr 45 min after we start and model breaks. The only part I was unsatisfied with was the lip structure which is going to be my upcoming focus.