Monday, July 26, 2010

"The Dark Lord"

All Hail! :) This costume was something to see. This even contained wire and tube modeling as if there was a breathing mechanism inside. I bit off a lot more then I could chew this time on purpose. I brought a larger canvas board to cover, but with the same amount of time to accomplish the study as the Gandalf. I loved it the whole time, most of my classmates were humming StarWars during the 2 hours. I need to work on my folds in clothing is something I found out here, the cape was definately a struggle.

"White Wizard"

What an opportunity! This model designs his own costums and this one represents Gandalf. I only wish we had more time to paint, after setup and breaks it came to be about 1 hr and 40 min - 2 hrs paint time. Either way I'm getting more of the figure down and the canvas covered. His beard actually came out be the easiest part, good ol' palette knife. Next week he'll be coming as Darth Vader, I can't wait to see it!

"Head Full of Color"

I haven't posted anything for a long while. :( With getting married and everything my brains are scrambled with things to do. I'm also working on a huge 18 x 24 peice that is almost finished and I will post later. This was probably the fastest study of a head I've done. I love the color I've been able to put into the face and it has great shape, but a little more time would've been nice.