Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Movie Star"

I really don't like having to paint from photo but sometimes it's my only option. So I try to find some that are designed well with a good light source, which is a lot harder than I thought it'd be. Sometimes google has TOO much info, that it can be difficult to find what you're looking for. I was happy with this one though because I got too use my palette knife with the earings!


Oh the patience of my wife, I needed a model for a face study so I set up a single light structure and had her sit and watch a show. I've been trying to paint or draw something everyday so sometimes I need to have her help. I really liked the light direction on the face and the palette knife work in her hair, but the neck needs a bit more color.

"Christmas Time"

This was the last model session in figure drawing for the semester, sad. :( But then starts another in one month! The model said my painting study reminded here of christmas time because of the red nose and rosey cheeks. I wanted to just focus on the face and head structure for the session being we only have about 1 hr 45 min after we start and model breaks. The only part I was unsatisfied with was the lip structure which is going to be my upcoming focus.